Sunday, October 11, 2015

I love trees and the smell of a fall day.
The look of a mountain against the rainy grey.
the shock of lighting against a cloud
the clap of thunder menacingly loud
the green of a pool reflecting the fresh trees
the rustling of leaves moving in a breeze

a river rushes past carrying life all around
racing and acting as the heartbeat for the ground
it changes, it shifts, ebbing and flowing with its path
moving things along the way shifting rocks and growing grass

is it not like life? changing with every step.
reflecting whats around yet impacting what is left
an ever-changing course not knowing where it will end
progressing through decisions, with our futures to bend

thats why nature is so special, it reflects the nature of our lives
it expresses what we so often conceal inside 
4 seasons, and all different types of terrain
showing us in the physical what occurs in our brains

its no riddle or even a puzzle with many pieces
its just life, flowing, swimming, rolling, and breathing
breathing with the wind, sighing with the sea, 
climbing with the mountains, flying with the breeze

I love trees and the smell of a fall day 
the lovely picture of life that it continually paints.

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